Frequently Asked Questions

People are our best asset. We mostly employ talented individuals with a high passion for learning. Those who are eager to learn will quickly find their success here at Baltic Assist. One of your primary objectives will be to create added value for our customers. The minimum mandatory requirements for employment are a university degree, 2+ years of previous work experience.

The cost-saving factor is present in every project that is running in Baltic Assist. Lithuania, where we are based, is a fast-growing young economy with lower costs compared to Scandinavian, Western European countries or Japan, the U.S., Canada, etc. You should expect to have your costs cut by up to 70% (sometimes even upwards of 80%). Tell us more about the project, and we will be back with an offer shortly.

Recruitment is one of the most critical areas in our business. We strive to connect you only with the best specialists or professionals in their respective fields. To hire the most talented employees, the so-called cream of the crop, we have a four-level recruitment process, where you, our partner, can also be included as much as you would like to. The four-level recruitment system provides flexibility to the recruitment process, allows a hands-on approach for the client, and makes things happen quickly.

Around 75 shared service centers are already established in Lithuania, where at least a part of them supports or oversees financial sector operations. Due to the situation in the current market, we can attract the best professionals from other organizations. They usually have 7+ years of providing the managed accounting services to international companies and their subsidiaries. Scandinavia, the U.K., the U.S., Western Europe – we can provide accounting wherever your HQ may be.

Having employees from Lithuania is a very different experience compared to other popular outsourcing destinations. The most important factors to consider are the time difference, cultural barriers, everyday and even unwritten business practices. With Lithuanian- based outsourcing, the only thing that needs a tiny bit of consideration is a practically non-existent cultural barrier, which can be an issue in other parts of the world. It is important to remember that Lithuanians are Northern Europeans just across the Baltic Sea from Sweden, with EU university degrees and Scandinavian business culture. The latter is being integrated into almost every new and well-off business regardless of their field. Our specialists are eager to learn, highly skilled, and are also easy to work with.

We are looking for partners that would like to relocate their business operations to a competitive cost location where compromise of quality is out of the question. Baltic Assist is eager to cooperate with companies seeking long-term nearshoring partnerships because it requires investment from both parties in the beginning but brings enormous benefits in the long run.

We never say ‘no’ to anything. Every challenge is a project-based task that is carried out with great attention to detail, maximum involvement, and striving to perfection. However, we are primarily focused on long-term partnerships. Reach out to us, let’s meet or get in touch to see whether we could provide appropriate services to suit your business!

Having remote employees is not difficult at all. A company that has never tried working with remote teams before would have to establish a few procedures and work tools. These are necessary to have appropriate communication means for task delegation, policy overview, comments, etc. These communication means would allow you to handle and work with employees regardless of the distance separating your HQ and your virtual assistant. If you are new – Baltic Assist has a blueprint ready for you.