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Customer Service Representatives

We believe that the key to your business’s success is to create positive imaging concerning your customers. That is why our customer service representatives are highly trained and have persuasive negotiation skills, adaptability, positive language, clear communication skills, and patience. 

 If you require any assistance in customer service, by hiring our customer service representative, you can be sure that positive interaction with customers will be ensured by listening to them and answering any of the questions or concerns to increase satisfaction and their positive experience contact with your company.

Team members

Karolina Tarvydaitė


Justina Leganovičiūtė


Mariam Kasradze



84 hours per month

$ 15.68 € / hour
  • From 1317 € per month No additional costs


168 hours per month

$ 11.79 € / hour
  • From 1980 € per month No additional costs


Example of 4 FTEs

$ Custom pricing

Simple steps to get dedicated virtual employee

1. Free Consultation

Send us an inquiry and we will personally contact you within 24 hours to discuss your business needs.

2. Provide Solution

We will provide a solution for your business with prices and then wait for your approval.

3. Selection

We will select and present the most suitable candidates for your business.

4. Go Live!

Immediately, after selection, the chosen candidate is ready to work for you. All you have to do now is provide tasks and duties that the specialist can carry out for the firm.