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Personal Assistants

Here at Baltic Assist, we strongly believe that a good personal assistant must be professional, communicative, positive, and have high time management standards. 

Therefore, we are happy that our personal assistants’ team works with people with an exact work ethic. A personal assistant will help you tackle your personal tasks, data entry, online research, calendar management, taking calls, and many more various tasks that would distract you from successful business running.

Team members

Radvilė Musteikytė


Karolina Tarvydaitė


Emilija Jonušytė



84 hours per month

$ 15.68 € / hour
  • From 1317 € per month No additional costs


168 hours per month

$ 11.79 € / hour
  • From 1980 € per month No additional costs


Example of 4 FTEs

$ Custom pricing

Simple steps to get dedicated virtual employee

1. Free Consultation

Send us an inquiry and we will personally contact you within 24 hours to discuss your business needs.

2. Provide Solution

We will provide a solution for your business with prices and then wait for your approval.

3. Selection

We will select and present the most suitable candidates for your business.

4. Go Live!

Immediately, after selection, the chosen candidate is ready to work for you. All you have to do now is provide tasks and duties that the specialist can carry out for the firm.